Alabama Priority Area Shapefiles
Conservation priority area for Northern Bobwhite, part of the 2022-2026 Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership
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Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles
Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division manages, protects, and enhances the freshwater fishing resources of Alabama including 47 reservoirs, 23 Alabama State Public Fishing Lakes, and 77,000 miles of perennial rivers, streams, and the Mobile Delta.
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Alachua Conservation Trust
Since 1988, Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) has been protecting the natural, historic, scenic, and recreational resources in and around north central Florida.
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Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area
Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area is invasive plant cooperative between stakeholders-including agencies, private forest companies, and community groups.
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Amazing Creatures in Longleaf Pine Flatwoods and Sandhills
A wide diversity of remarkable animals calls longleaf pine flatwoods and sandhills habitats home.
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America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative
The America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative (ALRI) is a collaborative effort of multiple public and private sector partners that actively supports range-wide efforts to restore and conserve longleaf pine ecosystems.
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American Bird Conservancy
American Bird Conservancy is dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, we take on the greatest problems facing birds today.
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American Fisheries Society Newsletter July 2023
Hutton Summit, Grand Rapids Hotel Deadline, Reef Fish Survey Design
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WLFW Newsletters
American Fisheries Society Newsletter
American Fisheries Society News November 15, 2019
AFS News: Call for 2020 Symposia, Captive Propagation of Imperiled Species, Blob Disturbance
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WLFW Newsletters
American Fisheries Society Newsletter
American Fisheries Society Newsletter April 2022
AFS News: Recovering America's Wildlife Act Nears Floor Vote, Spokane Abstract Extension, Native Fish Need Natural Flows
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American Fisheries Society Newsletter