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Northeast Region Representative Species Workshop
The Northeast Region is holding six workshops around the region to provide feedback on the Service’s new draft technical guidance for selecting surrogate species.
Located in News & Events / Events
Person Dettmers, Randy
I work on conservation planning (biological foundation and landscape design) for birds of conservation concern, with a focus on landbirds, as well as designing and implementing monitoring programs to track population status of such species and evaluate the success of conservation actions for these species.
Located in Expertise Search
File Surrogate Species Framework Letter
A letter introducing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Surrogate Species Framework.
Located in Cooperative / / Material for SC Call 6/26/13 / Indicators Work Group
File Surrogate Species Framework
This framework provides a way for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and State Fish and Wildlife Agencies to work together in the selection of species to serve as surrogates in landscape conservation design. This framework accomplishes a path forward on several important points: • It establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the Service and the States • It respects the different authorities and responsibilities of States and the Service • It clarifies the decision-making roles of the States and the Service • It helps define the role of LCCs, not as decision bodies, but rather as forums providing significant additional capacity, information, and tools to assist States and the Service with approaches to landscape-scale conservation in their geographies.
Located in Cooperative / / Material for SC Call 6/26/13 / Indicators Work Group