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Organization 5B Restoration Coalition
The 5B Restoration Coalition or 5BRC (named to reflect the license plate code for Blaine County, ID) has worked to collaboratively develop priorities, build stronger private-public partnerships, and encourage community stewardship for sustainable outcomes. The 5BRC is working to apply the region's best thinking across sectors, developing creative and effective solutions that will generate both community and ecological resilience for future natural events.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File Pascal source code Agenda - March 11, 2015 Workshop
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Management Workshop. Organized and facilitated by the National Park Service to identify and create opportunities for greater collaboration among urban woodland researchers and managers working to restore and manage urban woodland ecosystems. To view the goals and objectives of the workshop, please open the workshop agenda.
Located in Cultural Resources / Urban Conservation / Urban Woodlands Conservation and Restoration
Organization American Forest Foundation
The mission of the American Forest Foundation is to deliver meaningful conservation impact through the empowerment of family forest owners. Working together, we strive to cultivate the many conservation benefits family-owned forests provide—and demonstrate their value to American communities, companies and landowners alike.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization American Geosciences Institute
The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy
ARC saves herps through a strategic, scientific, and passionate approach that allows us to make a real difference. We implement localized, regional, species-based PARCAs (Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas) and weave them together across the country into a national strategy capable of making great impact. We practice Transformative Science with the urgency required to save those species and ecosystems at greatest risk.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Octet Stream Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia (AAIWV )
Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia, Inc. (AAIWV) is an intertribal tribe of Native Americans and their mixed blood lineal descendants.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Appalachian Headwaters
Appalachian Headwaters, a nonprofit organization, is a leader in environmental education and reforestation of mined land in central Appalachia.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Appalachian Stewardship Foundation
Our vision is for environmental values to lead our energy future – clean streams, clear skies and a stable climate, with the least amount of energy necessary to provide the goods and services we need. ASF seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to protect freshwater streams and tributaries against the effects of pollution from energy development and use.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Appalachian Trail Conservancy
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to preserve and manage the Appalachian Trail – ensuring that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Arizona Antelope Foundation
Our mission is to increase pronghorn populations in Arizona through habitat improvements, habitat acquisition, the translocation of animals to historic range, and public comment on activities affecting pronghorn and their habitat. As a 501c3 nonprofit, all of our proceeds help advance our mission.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search