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Organization Troff document The Wetland Trust
The Wetland Trust protects and restores wetlands and unique wetland biodiversity in New York with special interest in amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna). The Trust presently owns 26 properties covering 1,600 wetland acres.
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Organization The Wilderness Society
The Wilderness Society's mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. We contribute to better protection, stewardship and restoration of our public lands, preserving our rich natural legacy for current and future generations. Since 1935, The Wilderness Society has led the effort to permanently protect nearly 110 million acres of wilderness in 44 states. We have been at the forefront of nearly every major public lands victory.
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Organization ECMAScript program U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
The Endowment is committed to keeping working forests as forests and advancing family-wage jobs in forest-rich rural communities. Through strategic and deliberate investment, the Endowment supports research and development in traditional forest product markets, ensuring that forests and forest-based economies grow and thrive.
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Organization Western North Carolina Alliance
For 30 years, the Western North Carolina Alliance has been a trusted community partner, marshaling grassroots support to keep North Carolinian forests healthy, air and water clean, and communities vibrant.
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Organization Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has been enriching your relationship with the natural world since 1932 by conserving water, land and life, protecting the region’s natural places of exceptional value, helping to establish ten state parks, preserving Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece Fallingwater, planting and maintaining 135 gardens in 20 counties and partnering with grassroots organizations in Pennsylvania.
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Organization Wildlife Management Institute
The Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) supports the wise use of wildlife, including regulated recreational hunting of designated populations. WMI endorses the proposition of game management, the concept of biological diversity, and principles of ecology. It recognizes that wildlife management must be a skillful blend of science and art in relation to dynamic human circumstances, values, and expectations. And the Wildlife Management Institute believes that wildlife not only reflects the continent's wealth but, in many respects, wildlife is that wealth.
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Organization Working Together for the New England Cottontail
Working Together for the New England Cottontail provides information for landowners, practitioners, and the public about the threatened New England Cottontail throughout Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island.
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Organization Xerces Society
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. As a science-based organization, we both conduct our own research and rely upon the most up-to-date information to guide our conservation work. Our key program areas are: pollinator conservation, endangered species conservation, and reducing pesticide use and impacts.
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