Fish and Wildlife Service, Kentucky Division of Forestry Sign Agreement Protecting Indiana Bats on State Forests
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Division of Forestry announce entering into an agreement to promote the survival, conservation, and recovery of the federally endangered Indiana bat on state forests within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
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Full Proposal: Assessing Future Energy Development Across the Appalachian Mountains
Scientists will employ land use change build-out scenaria for future energy development demand to quantify future impacts on forest habitats across the Appalachian LCC. We propose to create maps of wind, oil and gas, and coal development potential for the entire study area and use these maps and published projections from federal and state land management agencies to model future build-out scenaria.
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Energy Forcasts Team
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Golden-winged Warbler Habitat: Best Management Practices
The goal of this BMP is to present management prescriptions to forest managers interested in providing breeding habitat for Golden-winged Warblers through management actions associated with timber harvesting. We provide a science-based approach in an adaptive management framework to understanding breeding habitat use of Golden-winged Warblers across a range of timber harvest prescriptions in Pennsylvania and Maryland. This document is intended for use by state and private foresters, biologists, and other land managers. We anticipate that this BMP is the first document in a series that will address management of other early successional habitat used by Golden-winged Warblers including old fields, reclaimed strip mines, scrub oak barrens, and aspen cuts.
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General Resources Holdings
Gov. Deal Honors Three Companies as 2012 Forestry for Wildlife Partners
Gov. Nathan Deal recognized three corporate forest landowners today for their stewardship in land management and practices benefiting the state’s wildlife.
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Habitat Assessment Models and Decision Support Tools for Aquatic Habitats
Fritz Boettner of Downstream Strategies presents on the North Atlantic LCC funded project to develop a decision support tool for an aquatic assessment of the Northeast. The presentation focuses on the development of a modeling methodology, process and outputs that came out of the modeling, and how stakeholders are needed for the project to be a success and develop quality assessment outputs.
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Theme: Tools and Approaches – Neighboring LCCs
Laurent, Ed
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Lock Haven, Nature Conservancy Protect 5,200 Acres in Conservation Effort
Lock Haven City Authority, as a partner in The Nature Conservancy’s Working Woodlands Program, agrees to forever protect and sustainably manage its forest and freshwater resources.
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National Fish, Wildlife, & Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy
The purpose of the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is to inspire and enable natural resource administrators, elected officials, and other decision makers to take action to adapt to a changing climate. Adaptation actions are vital to sustaining the nation’s ecosystems and natural resources — as well as the human uses and values that the natural world provides.
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General Resources Holdings
National Strategy Will Help Safeguard Fish, Wildlife and Plants in a Changing Climate
In partnership with State and Tribal agencies, the Obama Administration today released the first nationwide strategy to help public and private decision makers address the impacts that climate change is having on natural resources and the people and economies that depend on them. Developed in response to a request by Congress, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is the product of extensive national dialogue that spanned nearly two years and was shaped by comments from more than 55,000 Americans.
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National Wildlife Federation
Our Work: Protecting Wildlife, Inspiring Future Generations
As in nature, we have strength in numbers. National Wildlife Federation works closely with those who span the social and political spectrum, but who are connected by a common commitment to conservation. Our ability to meet the needs of wildlife is inextricably linked to the amazing individuals, groups, organizations and corporations we call our supporters. Together, we form a pack, leveraging our influence to safeguard America’s wildlife and wild places.
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