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Organization National Audubon Society
Audubon’s Mission: To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. For more than a century, Audubon has built a legacy of conservation success by mobilizing the strength of its network of members, Chapters, Audubon Centers, state offices and dedicated professional staff to connect people with nature and the power to protect it.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is dedicated to sustaining, restoring and enhancing the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations. NFWF remains dedicated to our mission, partners and staff during Coronavirus. We felt it important to take a minute to update you on the actions taken at NFWF and to make certain you know that our lines of communication are open as we all face this global life-changing challenge.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
The N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife is a professional environmental agency dedicated to the protection, management and wise use of New Jersey's fish and wildlife resources.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
New Songbird Habitat Study Unlocks Benefits for the Monarch Butterfly
A new study reveals that managing habitat for songbirds like the golden-winged warbler also benefits insect pollinators like the at-risk monarch butterfly.
Located in News & Events
Image Oak Regeneration
Competing species in the white oak range are shading out young white oaks thus preventing regeneration, resulting in a non-sustainable demographic dominated by older trees. Dr. Jeff Larkin is a professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at IUP, as well as the Forest Bird Habitat Coordinator for the American Bird Conservancy. He says: it's just as important for landowners and forest managers to 'look down' as it is to 'look up' when it comes to oak forest management and stewardship. These photos, taken by Dr. Larkin, demonstrate white oak regeneration within the forest understory.
Located in Information Materials / Multimedia
Oak Regeneration
Competing species in the white oak range are shading out young white oaks thus preventing regeneration, resulting in a non-sustainable demographic dominated by older trees. Dr. Jeff Larkin is a professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at IUP, as well as the Forest Bird Habitat Coordinator for the American Bird Conservancy. He says: it's just as important for landowners and forest managers to 'look down' as it is to 'look up' when it comes to oak forest management and stewardship. These photos, taken by Dr. Larkin, demonstrate white oak regeneration within the forest understory.
Located in Information Materials / Multimedia
Organization ECMAScript program Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Established on July 1, 1995, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is charged with maintaining and preserving the 120 state parks; managing the 2.2 million acres of state forest land; providing information on the state's ecological and geologic resources; and establishing community conservation partnerships with grants and technical assistance to benefit rivers, trails, greenways, local parks and recreation, regional heritage parks, open space and natural areas.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Pennsylvania Game Commission
The Commission is responsible for managing all of Pennsylvania's wild birds and mammals and enforcing the Game and Wildlife Code, Fish and Boat Code, Forestry Laws and Pennsylvania's Crimes Code. Since its formation, the Commission has purchased lands for inclusion in its State Game Lands system, which currently contains about 300 separate tracts comprising a total of more than 1.4 million acres, and dedicates an extraordinary amount of manpower to the never-ending effort of spreading the word and educating Pennsylvanians about wildlife.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Person Peters, Chris
Located in Expertise Search
File text/texmacs Poster Presentation: Seeing Past the Green: Quantifying the Characteristics of High-graded Forests
Download the Poster Presentation for "Seeing Past the Green: Quantifying the Characteristics of HIgh-Graded Forests
Located in Information Materials / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research