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Researchers Seek a Sneak Peek Into the Future of Forests
In May 2015, scores of scientists from dozens of research institutions descended on a patch of forest in central North Carolina, taking samples of everything from ants and mites to other microbes – samples they hope will offer a glimpse into the future of forest ecosystems.
Located in News & Events
File text/texmacs Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options
From the USDA Forest Service, comes a recently published guidebook for climate change adaptation in national forests. It provides a state-of-science summary of principles of adaptation, methods for vulnerability assessment, and tools and processes to facilitate the development of adaptation strategies and tactics. Distributed to all 176 national forest units, the guidebook is being used throughout the Forest Service and by other agencies to integrate climate change in sustainable resource management.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Organization Pascal source code Rhode Island Woodland Partnership
The Rhode Island Woodland Partnership (RIWP) advances the stewardship and long-term protection of Rhode Island’s woodlands to benefit the local economy, ecological values, and community enjoyment and health. The RIWP strives to increase the impact of forest conservation measures through education and information sharing.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Person Richter, Stephen
Population genetics; land-use; amphibian evolutionary ecology; conservation; wetland ecology; management
Located in Expertise Search
There is an increasing need to consider the anticipated effects of climate change on ecosystems and identify management actions that respond to these changes. This workshop will support participants from the Rio Grande National Forest in determining which climate impacts are of greatest concern to them, and identify management opportunities for adapting to change. The Adaptation Workbook provides a structured process for integrating climate change considerations into management planning and activities.
Located in News & Events
Sizing up Biomass from Space
The biomass stored in forests is thought to play a critical role in mitigating the catastrophic effects of global climate change.
Located in News & Events
South Atlantic LCC Web Forum
Can forests take the heat? Managing pests and ecosystem services in a warming climate
Located in News & Events / Events
Organization South Carolina Forestry Commission
Protect, promote and enhance South Carolina’s forests for the benefit of all.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Southern Appalachian Forest Water Yield Down since 1970s
Climate change and forest disturbances are threatening the ability of forested mountain watersheds to provide the clean, reliable, and abundant fresh water necessary to support aquatic ecosystems and a growing human population.
Located in News & Events
This multi-year research project forecasts changes in southern forests between 2010 and 2060
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects