Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Nebraska Game and Parks is a family of passionate, innovative professionals who work together to connect people to the natural world and support conservation in Nebraska. We number near 1,500 during peak summer months in order to manage our 78 parklands and trails for outdoor enthusiasts, while also focusing our efforts on conservation that supports wildlife, fish and plant diversity and health. The job we face is complex: The needs and interests in every ecosystem are diverse and many — among wildlife, plants, people and places, but we take seriously our role in striking a balance that benefits the most.
Our mission
The mission of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is stewardship of the state’s fish, wildlife, park, and outdoor recreation resources in the best long-term interests of the people and those resources.
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New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
The N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife is a professional environmental agency dedicated to the protection, management and wise use of New Jersey's fish and wildlife resources.
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership 2017 Call for Project Proposals
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership is currently accepting proposals to fund on-the-ground, aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects within the Ohio River Basin.
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News & Events
Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership (ORBFHP) was formed to protect, restore, and enhance priority habitat for fish and mussels in the watersheds of the Ohio River Basin. They pursue this mission for the benefit of the public and the diverse basin itself. The partnership encompasses the entire 981 miles of the Ohio River mainstem (the second largest river in the U.S. as measured by annual discharge) and 143,550 square miles of the watershed. Whether it is sport fish, mussels, imperiled fish, water quality, or one of many other drivers, the ORBFHP works together to protect, restore, and enhance the Basin's aquatic resources.
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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
We manage and protect fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing our community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.
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Southeast Aquatic Barrier Prioritization Tool
The Southeast Aquatic Barrier Prioritization Tool aims to build aquatic connectivity in rivers and streams. The Tool provides inventory data on aquatic barriers (like dams and road-related culverts) and helps practitioners to describe, understand, and prioritize these barriers for removal, restoration, and mitigation.
Aquatic connectivity in rivers and streams is essential for fish and other aquatic organisms.
The Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP) developed the tool with support from partners and funders.
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Apps, Maps, & Data
Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets
Aquatic and Freshwater Spatial Data
The Role of Fish Passage Structures in River Health
Barriers disrupt everything from water quality to biodiversity, creating far-reaching consequences for aquatic life and the surrounding environment.
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Three new darter species of the Etheostoma percnurum species complex (Percidae, subgenus Catonotus) from the Tennessee and Cumberland River Drainages
The federally endangered Duskytail Darter, Etheostoma percnurum Jenkins, is known from only six highly disjunct populations in the Tennessee and Cumberland river drainages of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. Only four are extant. Variation in morphology including meristics, morphometrics, and pigmentation was examined among the four extant populations and limited specimens from the two extirpated populations (Abrams Creek and South Fork Holston River). Analyses of these data found each of the extant populations is morphologically diagnosable. The few specimens avail- able from Abrams Creek and South Fork Holston River prevented thorough assessment of variation, and these were grouped with their closest geographic counterparts, Citico Creek, and Little River, respectively. Three new morphologi- cally diagnosable species are described: E. sitikuense, the Citico Darter, from Citico Creek, Abrams Creek, and Tellico River (Tennessee River system); E. marmorpinnum, the Marbled Darter, from the Little River and South Fork Holston River (Tennessee River system); and E. lemniscatum, the Tuxedo Darter, from the Big South Fork (Cumberland River system). Each species warrants federal protection as an endangered species.
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Reports & Documents
Trout Unlimited
Founded in Michigan in 1959, Trout Unlimited today is a national non-profit organization with 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
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Watershed-Based Approach to Channel Stabilization and Sediment Control in Pleasant Run Creek
Excessive sediment from channelized tributaries of the Hatchie River (TN) are degrading downstream aquatic habitat. Pleasant Run Creek is a channelized tributary to the Hatchie River, exhibiting significant soil erosion and channel incision problems. This project seeks to implement channel stabilization measures on private lands that will improve riparian habitat on Pleasant Run Creek and reduce sediment loading to the Hatchie River.
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Whitewater to Bluewater W2B