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The Southeast Aquatic Conservation Strategy
The Southeastern Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Strategy is a joint project of the UGA River Basin Center and the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute to prioritize watersheds within the region to support future conservation investments.
Located in News & Events / Events
Northeast Climate Science Center Regional Science Meeting 2017
For our Regional Science Meeting, we will gather our scientists and partners to reflect on our collaborative work to incorporate climate science in the management of natural and cultural resources in the Northeast and Midwest and determine future directions and needs for our region.
Located in News & Events / Events
2017 Strategic Habitat Meeting
Join the Alabama Rivers and Streams Network (ARSN) in a review of a decade of strategic habitat unit (SHU) research, recovery, and planning efforts.
Located in News & Events / Events
Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment Webinar: U.S. Forest Fragmentation and Land Cover Patterns
Forest fragmentation continues even as total forestland area remains relatively stable.
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Putting aquatic species on the map: The eDNAtlas and Archive for aquatic taxa in Western North America
The ease, efficiency, and sensitivity of environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling of species in aquatic environments is leading to an explosion in its use across North America.
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Revealing the Role of Local Stakeholders in Landscape Conservation Design: A Social Science Inquiry
What is the role of local stakeholders and social data in the Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) process?
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The Adaptation Workbook - Building Your Climate Adaptation Plan
A collaboration between the Climate Learning Network and the Climate Science Initiative, this webinar provides an overview of the Adaptation Workbook, an online, interactive, and practical workbook that helps land managers develop their own custom built climate change adaptation plans (
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AppLCC/USFS Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool Workshop
The Appalachian LCC and the U.S. Forest Service wish to invite you to attend or nominate a representative to attend a 1-day hands-on roll-out of the Landscape Dynamics Assessment Tool.
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Protected Areas Database of the United States Webinars
Would you like to find out about any park or protected area, anywhere in the U.S., all in one dataset that supports analysis, mapping, reporting or other needs? That's the vision for the Protected Areas Database of the United States
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Synthesis of Appalachian Fire History Webinar
Join us for a presentation from Charles LaFon (Texas A&M University) on how fires shaped Appalachian forests before the fire exclusion era.
Located in News & Events / Events