Southwest Georgia Project
Southwest Georgia Project is on a mission to educate, engage, and empower communities using a variety of programs and strategies to advance real social change in Southwest Georgia and beyond. They aim to develop a more accessible and community-oriented food system; increase opportunities to family and historically underserved farms; and build sustainable and just movements to shift social norms.
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Adelante Mujeres - Regenerative Agriculture Program
Adelante Mujeres provides holistic education and empowerment opportunities to marginalized Latina women and families to ensure full participation and active leadership in the community. The Regenerative Agriculture Program provides aspiring and existing Latino immigrant farmers and gardeners with the training and skills necessary to grow produce using regenerative methods and to successfully market their products.
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First Nations Development Institute
First Nations Development Institute improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance and training, and advocacy and policy.
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National Black Farmers Association
The National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) is a nonprofit organization representing African American farmers and their families in the United States. It serves tens of thousands of members nationwide. NBFA's education and advocacy efforts have been focused on civil rights, land retention, access to public and private loans, education and agricultural training, and rural economic development for Black and other small farmers.
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National Black Food and Justice Alliance
The National Black Food and Justice Alliance represents hundreds of Black urban and rural farmers, organizers, and land stewards based nationwide working together towards an intergenerational, urban/rural movement to map, assess, train and deepen the organizing, institution building and advocacy work protecting Black land and work towards food sovereignty.
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