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Scientists: Strong evidence that human-caused climate change intensified 2015 heat waves
Human-caused climate change very likely increased the severity of heat waves that plagued India, Pakistan, Europe, East Africa, East Asia, and Australia in 2015 and helped make it the warmest year on record, according to new research published today in a special edition of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Located in News & Events
What is Ecological Drought? Exploring its impacts on natural and cultural resources
In 2017 the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC), in partnership with the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), will be dedicating their webinar series to ecological drought with presentations from NCCWSC and the DOI Climate Science Centers (CSCs).
Located in News & Events / Events
Responding to Drought and Water Challenges
Coldwater Fisheries and Climate Adaptation Case Studies in the Western and Eastern United States.
Located in News & Events / Events