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Organization American Forest Resource Council
AFRC is a regional trade association whose purpose is to advocate for sustained yield timber harvests on public timberlands throughout the West to enhance forest health and resistance to fire, insects, and disease. We do this by promoting active management to attain productive public forests, protect adjoining private forests, and assure community stability. We work to improve federal and state laws, regulations, policies and decisions regarding access to and management of public forest lands and protection of all forest lands.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Del Norte Fire Safe Council
The California Fire Safe Council (CFSC), a California non-profit corporation, was first formed as a project of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) in 1993.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Lincoln County Firesafe Council
Lincoln County Firesafe Council provides leadership for and coordinates voluntary FireSafe activities in Lincoln County, Montana.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Ore-Cal Resource Conservation and Development Area Council
Ore-Cal RC&D is a convener, a collaborator, a partner, and a part of the community in our five counties, two states congressionally designated area. We cover Siskiyou, Western Shasta, and Western Modoc Counties in California, Klamath and Lake Counties in Oregon.
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Organization Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County
The mission of the Fire Safe Council of Siskiyou County is to protect natural and man-made resources from the threat of wildfire. Through education and coordination, we support local Fire Safe Councils and local communities throughout Siskiyou County.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils
The overarching goal of the Coalition is to create one voice to assist fire practitioners, policymakers, regulators, and citizens with issues surrounding prescribed fire use.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search