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Project Alabama Statewide Crayfish Survey
Stuart McGergor - Geologial Survey of Alabama
Located in Projects
Project Alabama Statewide Fish IBI
Developing IBI's for strategic watersheds statewide. Derived resources will include data sets, imagery, maps, videos, and general and technical reports.
Located in Projects
File Basic User Support Guide
This guide covers how to request an account with the Appalachian LCC portal, logging in to the portal, and posting content.
Located in Resources / How-To Guides and Handouts
File How-To Guide for Using Appalachian LCC Expertise Database
This guide describes the Appalachian LCC database and contains instruction to explain how users can utilize this resource. There is also a brief explanation on how users can edit their profile to include their own expertise information into the database.
Located in Resources / How-To Guides and Handouts