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Tennessee River Basin Network Workshop and Awards Celebration
The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Aquarium sponsored a first-of-its-kind meeting that gathered regional conservation partners to celebrate successes conserving aquatic biodiversity in the Tennessee River Basin and to facilitate discussions among partners for greater cooperation and strategic effectiveness.
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The eDNA revolution & developing comprehensive aquatic biodiversity archives
Measuring & understanding the effects of climate change on aquatic life requires an accurate baseline status assessment that can serve as a benchmark for comparisons through time.
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Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Take Steps to Save Rare Fish
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies have come together to conserve the sicklefin redhorse, a fish found in only six Appalachian counties worldwide and being considered for the federal endangered species list.
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Service and partners announce science-based tool to help prioritize and target fish habitat conservation
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) today announce the availability of an online tool that enables users to target and prioritize fish habitat conservation in the face of climate and land use change.
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LCC Boosts Relationships in the Ohio River Basin
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership convened its annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio this month and the Appalachian LCC was there to join the conversation.
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SARP Announces FY 2016 Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Awards
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has approved National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) projects to receive USFWS-NFHP FY 2016 funding.
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NOAA, USGS and partners: Chesapeake Bay ‘dead zone’ to vary from average to slightly smaller
Scientists expect that this year’s mid-summer Chesapeake Bay hypoxic low-oxygen zone or “dead zone” – an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and aquatic life – will be approximately 1.58 cubic miles, about the volume of 2.3 million Olympic-size swimming pools. This is close to the long-term average as measured since 1950.
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FY2017 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is requesting project proposals that restore and conserve habitat necessary to support healthy and productive populations of wild brook trout.
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership 2017 Call for Project Proposals
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership is currently accepting proposals to fund on-the-ground, aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects within the Ohio River Basin.
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Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network Meeting
The Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network (Network) is a collaborative effort of conservation interests that is focused on increasing the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of conservation actions in streams and rivers of the region.
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