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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Aquatic Technical Subteam

Aquatic Technical Subteam

Meeting Agendas Materials: handouts, presentations, misc. documents

Background/General Information

Technical resources and documents for use by the subteam

Background/General Information - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 09-04-2014

Materials and notes from the September 4, 2014 meeting.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 09-04-2014 - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 07-25-2014

Afternoon breakout session for the Aquatic Subteam meeting, after the morning Core Team meeting. Meeting materials here.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 07-25-2014 - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 06-27-2014

Meeting materials associated with afternoon breakout from Core Team Meeting.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 06-27-2014 - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 06-19-2014

Materials and notes from the aquatic subteam meeting after the core team meeting in April 2014.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 06-19-2014 - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 05-30-2014

Materials and notes from the aquatic subteam meeting after the core team meeting in May 2014.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 05-30-2014 - Read More…

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 04-25-2014

Materials and notes from the aquatic subteam meeting after the core team meeting in April 2014.

Aquatic Subteam Meeting 04-25-2014 - Read More…