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You are here: Home / Fire Mapping / Regional Fire Mapping / Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer

Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer

The Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer (LLLV) is a Tall Timbers web mapping application showcasing broad potential uses for the Florida Fires database built by Tall Timbers for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  The map viewer provides fire history, species habitat and land cover data generalized to a 10-acre hexgrid covering the tri-state Longleaf Legacy Landscape area. The data is best used at large scales for display and query purposes.The fire history dataset included in the hexgrid was derived from the USGS Burned Area (v2) Products (Hawbaker et al. 2017; USGS 2019) and represents years between 2006-2018.  Processing by Tall Timbers resulted in annual rasters and vectors indicating burn presence (with 90-100% probability) for groups of pixels greater than ~2.24 acres (e.g.,10 30m pixels, in any arrangement). The species data included within represent suitable habitats (Crawford, B.A., Maerz, J.C., and Moore, C.T., 2020) for five at-risk species (gopher tortoise, southern hognose snake, Florida pine snake, gopher frog and striped newt) found within the longleaf system.The land cover dataset included in the hexgrid is the latest National Land Cover Database (2016) provided by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC).The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.0 Manager Type ArcGIS Feature Service is provided in the map as a reference and search aid.

Tall Timbers Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer (LLLV)

  • The LLLV is a web mapping application showcasing broad potential uses of the Florida Fires database built by Tall Timbers for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  The LLLV is intended for Tall Timbers collaborators and grant partners.
  • The hexagon grid (hexgrid) layer displayed in the viewer was derived using the Tesselation toolbox in ArcGIS Desktop.  The process provided a way to 'aggregate' or 'generalize' fire history, species habitats and NLCD land cover over a 10-acre area (as opposed to 30m minimum based area native to the land cover, species and fire history rasters from which those data were derived).
  • Please see the Quick Tips button for help in getting started with the viewer.
  • Please see the MRLC for NLCD 2016 Land Cover (CONUS) metadata.
  • For more information, please contact Joe Noble (

Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer Image

Filed under: Fire, Fire Mapping