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Bobwhite quail

USDA Launches New Bobwhite Conservation Pilot and Announces General Conservation Reserve Program Signup


Collaborative and ongoing action for
working lands and conservation landscapes

The Landscape Partnership is a diverse, active, and collaborative community of practice for landowners, scientific partners, and professionals from any agency, organization or industry to share resource and tackle landscape-level issues across the nation. Much like an ecosystem, we know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: by working together at a landscape-level, partners are better able to protect essential ecosystem services, create sustainable working lands, and enhance biodiversity. This interactive portal helps partners find each other, identify collective priorities, share resources and tools, and coordinate efforts for landscape-level conservation and sustainable working lands.

"It’s become clear that we need to work together. We need to work at a scale where nature actually functions. This requires that we work with a diverse group of stakeholders as well as people who live in these landscapes."

  - Addie Thornton, (SERPPAS)


peterson ranch

Visit the Landscape Partnership Resources Library

The Landscape Partnership Resource library comes from a diverse group of natural and cultural resource managers and scientists from federal and state agencies, nonprofit organizations, sovereign tribal governments, and conservation coalitions.

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Landscape Conservation Issues

Energy, climate change, ecosystem services, and how society values these services are key issues influencing the landscape.

Working Lands for Wildlife Pollinator Conservation Series

This new series has been developed from the 12 Pollinator Conservation webinars presented by Quail Forever and USDA-NRCS.


Wildland Fire

The Wildland Fire site serves as a clearinghouse to support technical experts as a community of practice and support public officials, communities, and landowners needing more information about wildland fire.

The Landscape Partnership Announces a New Tool!

This tool allows users to search for literature on bird species-vegetation relationships in eastern and boreal forests of North America.



Expertise Search

View others in the Landscape Partnership community using the Expertise Search. You can find and network with experts from across the conservation field who bring a wide range of skills. Once you Register, you can make a profile and share your areas of expertise.

LP Featured Community

working lands for wildlife
nc state extension
US Endowment for Forestry Services

Our Work in the Landscape